If you wish to win with this combo (or the second combo) instantly, consider adding cards such as Blue Sun’s Zenith or Altar of the Brood to your list. It costs two mana to flicker but you will generate an additional three per activation. Have a Deadeye Navigator soul bonded to either of those two creatures to create infinite mana. The first combo mentioned is a tried and true part of commander. Naru Meha, Master Wizard + Ghostly Flicker for infinite mana or enter the battlefield effects Palinchron / Peregrine Drake + Deadeye Navigator for infinite mana You’ve just removed it from your opponent’s side of the board. Agent of Treachery is the best kind of removal, because who better to have the big scary threats than you. Harbinger of the Tides is an excellent tempo play that can still have power when recurred. While several of these are pretty high on the mana curve, the lower end of the curve in the deck generally supports you to get there.

Being able to reanimate them with our commander or flicker/copy them with the rest of our spells is how we keep ahead. The number of creatures with enter-the-battlefield effects saying “draw x cards” is how this deck will go on to generate the maximum amount of value. The deck is filled with card draw spells but these are some of the easiest to recur. Especially with a commander that can Reanimate at instant speed! The Card Draw Not having to spend copious amounts of mana on your value and instead of being able to take advantage of the control elements of the deck or just building your board is where this deck shines. We can run as many Quasiduplicate effects as we want to, but the recursive nature of Thassa, Deep-Dwelling and Conjurer's Closet are just where this deck wants to be. Most of the abilities in blue create copies of chosen creatures with the exceptions being Deadeye Navigator, Release to the Wind and the newly printed Thassa, Deep-Dwelling. Not a whole lot of cards for us to be able to flicker our board for the abilities printed on them but enough to keep our value trains on the rails. Let’s look at some of the enablers first.

In the colour pair we have, one of the biggest struggles we have it the ability to repeat the effects we’re building this deck around. It’s a touch slower, and a fair amount more greedy than your average list, but the value of flickering Sphinx of Uthuun for a Fact or Fiction a turn is just far too sweet to turn down. Or with red x damage burn spells, infinite mana of any colour enables various winning cards.Braingeyser is also nice.Here we have a deck that’s pretty high on the curve, but also high on the value. Even your infinite mill combo of 3 cards could be replaced by Sands of Delirium, Whetwheel, Increasing Confusion or Halimar Excavator (all still mono blue) or with black as second colour add Geth, Lord of the Vault, Psychic Drain or Lich Lord of Unx (instant death). The bullshit with iridescent drake and puppet master with altar of dementia just provides a way for infinite mill (u3 for drake to mill 2 cards). At least you need u1 for the flicker effect. The colour of mana only depends on the lands you tap/untap. Now you have 3 coloured mana floating and 5 untapped lands. Then you tap 5 lands, use u1 of the 5 mana for the flicker effect, keep 3 mana of colour the lands provided and untap 5 lands when the PD enters battlefield again during resolution of the flicker. You have the deadeye navigator in play, then you play Peregrine Drake, when he enters the battlefield you bond him with the DN and you untap 5 lands. Peregrine Drake and Deadeye Navigator itself is a infinite mana combo even without high tide. I'm afraid that you do not understand soulbond and do not understand your own combo. I did read it, but im thinking if someone wanted to splash another color in, then it wold be infinite mana of any colour of mana lands you controlled could produce Obviously draco has read my comment on u/b mana celebration.Īlso high tide is not necessary sincy the PD costs 1u to flicker and untaps 5 lands which at least let you get 3 mana. add iridescent drake and puppet master with altar of dementiaĬan't you leave the Deadeye in play and just remove the drake soon as the drake leaves play the deadeye is unpaired and just waiting for the drake to come back to play. Tap 4 islands, exile the drake and deadeye (after the high tide) then have drake come into play (untap up to 5 islands) deadeye comes into play, soulbond the drake